Pure Wellness Body And Health

Pure Wellness Body And Health

welcome to our "Farmacy"
clean, safe, non-GMO, and organic plant medicine wellness

Plant-based medicine

Eczema Cream Care
Herbal Skin Salve
Pure Wellness premium bar soap

Skin Relief 

And Allergy Aids

Ancient Magnesium Medicine Warming Oil Spray  

This blend is designed to aid with circulation, inflammation and nerve pain.  The ease of spray makes it convenient for areas of the body such as the lower back that makes it easier to apply. 


Arthritis Aid 

This blend is designed to aid with the reduction of mucus and water retention to help reduce pain and inflammation in a given area. Relieves stiffness and helps with mobility and circulation recovery.


Bye Bye Blemish

Works to reduce inflammation, redness, and skin irritation. Helps to clear up acne, blemishes, and pimples while balancing the skin’s pH to avoid future issues.

10ml roller


Help manage your levels with this Cholesterol blend. 

10ml roller

Eczema Care Lotion 

This blend is a soothing lotion with aloe vera and essential oils designed to relieve itchy skin. Helps calm the nerves in the skin and reduce inflammation. 


Eczema Skin Aid Bar Soap

If you are suffering from eczema try our Eczema Skin Air bar soap.  Gentle on the skin, this bar helps to reduce inflammation, redness, and itchy skin.  Leaves your skin feeling clean and soft.  

5.2oz bar

Herbal Healing Salve 

A must-have for the home or on-the-go remedy for cuts, cracked, or damaged skin. Works wonders for bug bites, stings, scrapes, and itchy skin.  A natural infusion of potent medicinal herbs including rosemary and yarrow essential oils. Free of petroleum, fragrance, or other toxins. Also good for cracked lips.  Learn why you might consider replacing your antibiotic cream with our organic Herbal Skin Salve. 


Fungal Foot Aid

May help ease fungal infections, pain, and inflammation.  Athletes’ foot, ringworm, diaper rash, dandruff, and in some cases sinusitis; are all caused by fungi. These microscopic co-travelers live in the air, water, soil, and, so it happens, on our bodies. Roll or dab a few drops on the affected area. 

15ml bottle

Poison Ivy Aid Soap

This is the best soap for exposure to poison ivy.  Made with pine tar and jewelweed flower. This soap offers many benefits for skin that are burned, inflamed, or injured. This soap offers a very light scent for people with aroma sensitivities. Made with goat milk using rich olive and coconut oils.  Made specifically for super sensitive, dry, damaged, or eczema-prone skin.  Very good exfoliant and itch aid. 

5.2oz bar

Respiratory Lung Support

Helps you breathe comfortably while keeping your lungs clean and supports your bronchial system. Made from essential oils that promote feelings of clear airways and easy breathing. Use to keep the lungs free of inflammation and mucus.  Essential oils provide antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral, and natural histamine blockers.


Allergy & Sinus Relief

Good for people prone to sinus infections or who have seasonal allergies.  Allergy & Sinus Relief Aid offers antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral, and natural histamine blockers that can help aid your sinus nodes from becoming inflamed and infected from harmful foreign elements. 

10ml roller

Pollen Relief – Seasonal Support Blend (not shown)

Aids with common seasonal allergies, sinus infections, and ear infections.  Use as a preventive to reduce the pollen impact on your body.  This blend offers properties that suggest it can improve the immune system to aid in reducing inflammation and natural antihistamines. 

10ml roller

Bruise Aid

Recommended for people with thinning skin or for those who bruise easily. People who are malnutrition or struggle with healthy skin may benefit from this blend. Use Bruise Aid to aid with soft tissue repair and inflammation. Helps reduce bruises and blood clots from abrasions faster.



Herbal Scalp Stimulator

A unisex natural option to stimulate the hair follicles to help generate new hair cells. Gently massage the scalp using the gel.  This helps to release dry hair follicles and nourish the scalp and roots.  This gel blend adds moisture and aids in increasing hair growth.  Especially helpful for those affected by recent sickness that has led to hair loss. 



Varicose Vein Aid

Apply on targeted areas to help with swelling and pain.  The essential oils can give relief to inflamed vein areas.  Lemongrass aids with leg spasms, fennel, and cypress with water retention, basil, and lavender with pain. 


Headache Aids

Pain And

Emotional Aids

Frankincense Oil 

Known as the king of essential oils, Frankincense has a variety of notable uses and benefits. This powerful essential oil is revered for its ability to promote cellular health and immunity and produce a healthy inflammatory response.

10ml roller

Ligament pain
Elbow Pain try Ligament & Tendon Aid

Ligament & Tendon Aid 

May aid to reduce the sharp throbbing type of pain.  Use on areas in pain to help with inflammation, irritation, and pain.  Can be extremely helpful with tears due to foot and plantar-related injuries. 


Neuropathic Aid (not shown)

Our strongest blend addresses nerve pain and can be used as a nervine stimulant. Alternative to pharmaceutical options.  Essential oils may aid with pain, inflammation, pressure, and circulation.  

10ml roller

Migraine Aid Roller 

This migraine blend includes essential oils that helps to reduce inflammation and pain which contribute to a migraine.  Peppermint, lavender, frankincense, copaiba, ginger, and rosemary essential oils have properties that help reduce the symptoms of migraines naturally. Roll around the sinus area, ear, behind the ear, and neck.

10ml Roller

Tension Headache Aid

Aids headaches are associated with sinus, tension, cluster, stress, or PMS symptoms.  Use under the nose, around the neck, base of the skull, and around the ears, forehead, and jawline. Natural plant-based essential oils include peppermint, lavender, rosemary, copaiba, and frankincense. 

10ml roller

Relief Aid Helps with Knee Pain

ReliefAid Joint & Back Pain Aid 

Aids with muscle, joint, or bone pain.  The essential oils in this blend help remove mucus and inflammation that builds around an infected hurt area helping to reduce the pressure on the nerves. Mucus and inflammation reduction help ease the pain and allow the body’s own plasma to heal the area faster.  This blend also includes natural plant-based oils that affect the pain receptors in the brain helping to reduce the feeling of pain.   

3.2oz lotion or 10ml roller

ReliefAid Plus with Magnesium & Lemongrass 

Has all the same ingredients as the Relieve Muscle & Joint Pain lotion with the addition of magnesium and lemongrass. Lemongrass offers properties that help with leg shaking, muscle cramping, and spasms.  This is a good blend for athletic recovery. 

3.2oz lotion or 10ml roller

Roman Chamomile Flower, calming properties aid the skin, used in many of our skin healing products

Anxiety Aid

A natural option to use under the nose, neck, and wrists to aid during anxiety, panic, or fear attacks.  Suggest using regularly for evading depression or anxiety periods.   See our full line of emotional wellness blends for specific needs.

10ml roller

Copaiba Oil

May help with:

  • Physical Pain 
  • Emotional Pain
  • Stomach upset
  • Sleep Aid

Copaiba is a cannabinoid extracted from the Copaiba Tree in Brazil. It was used for thousands of years by the natives as a natural, medicinal pain remedy. Similar chemical makeup as CBD, but with a much higher concentration and better absorption with bioavailability. Copaiba is free of any THC so there are no risks of affecting a drug test. The oil runs through vigorous testing protocols for any adulterations or impurities. 

Used for emotional stability, anxiety, fear, panic, and mania as well as for pain.


Stress & Calming Aid

A natural option that can be taken internally or used topically for helping to induce a more peaceful, harmonious state.   Extremely helpful for situational anxiety due to overstimulation and other life stressors.   

5ml bottle

Women’s Only Hormonal Blend

May aid with women’s issues during hormonal imbalance periods that include irritability, emotional stress, pain, swelling, bloating, depression, cramping, and fatigue. 

10ml roller

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Women's Only may aid with cramps & hormonal related symptoms

Also Try Women’s Only Healer Blend

An emotional blend that helps the body to calm and heal from trauma, shock, abuse, or grief.  

10ml roller

Women's Only Healer Blend may also aid with breast care and prevention & soreness

Sleep Aids

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Liquid Zzz’s 

The oils in this blend aid to give you a refreshing night’s sleep without the feeling of being groggy in the morning.  Helps give you uninterrupted sleep to help your body get the full benefits of a quality night’s sleep.  Take internally: 30mins. before bed by putting a few drops on the tongue or in a hot, non-caffeinated tea.  15ml bottle

Snore Aid (not shown)

Have a significant other whose snore is making your sleep difficult? Try this blend of oils that aid with asthma and nasal congestion.  Soothes and relaxes the nasal cavity to help restore a more open breathing path to help reduce snoring. 

10ml roller 

Sleepy Time Blend Spray or Roller

OTC and prescription options, over time, can exacerbate the problem.  Try natural plant options such as Cedarwood, Roman Chamomile, Lavender, and Ylang Ylang.  These essential plants and their valuable oils offer powerful compounds that help induce the brain to relax and want to sleep.* Restful Night Blend offers these blends in a light mist so you can spray them around your pillows and linens before bed.  

2oz mist sprayer or 10ml roller 

Nite Nite Sleep Aid

Similar to the Sleepy Time but without lavender for those that are sensitive to lavender essential oil. 

10ml Roller

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Lavender has been extensively studied to suggest it is an excellent natural remedy to treat insomnia and improve sleep quality. Single-blind randomized studies investigated the effectiveness of lavender on the quality of sleep and showed that lavender improved the mean scores of sleep quality. This oil is often used to help with depression and anxiety and helps to induce positive thoughts. It is also useful to dilute feelings of anger and fear.

10ml roller

Gut & Immunity Health

Detox Blend 

A two-week reset and balance to support the body’s natural ability to rid itself of unwanted substances.  Supports healthy liver function to purify and detoxify the body’s systems. Cleanse and remove overpopulated harmful flora and level out candida yeast and other fungi. Take 2tbsps. daily in the AM followed by an 8oz or more warm glass of water.  16oz

Digestive Tummy Tamer Aid Blend

For acute digestive issues providing relief from the occasional upset stomach, IBS, stomach bloating, inflammation, and constipation.   

16oz and 10ml roller

Fat Burn Booster 

Aids with metabolism and the body’s ability to convert fat during digestion.  Helps to stimulate the metabolism and help process the fats easier in the gut. 

2oz dropper 

Gut Health Blend 

Maintain a healthy metabolism, encourage a balanced flora, and reduce inflammation.  Helps to eliminate pathogens.  Includes caprylic acid.

Take 2tbsps. daily in the AM followed by an 8oz or more warm glass of water. 


Inflammation Aid

Reduce swelling, feelings of bloating, and the pain associated with it.  This blend aids the metabolic system in reducing toxins and byproducts from our damaged cells.  When cells are damaged, the body responds by protecting those cells with mucus and fluids.  Help the body to rid and enhance the flow of oxygen and blood to reduce the waste in the cells.   16oz

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Thieves Immunity Booster

A healthy immune system works like body armor, protecting us from the threats that constantly bombard us. Germs are on your hands, on the food you eat, and in the air you breathe. We don’t pay much attention to these germs or our immune system that fights these germs until something slips through a gap in our armor and we get sick. Keep your armor strong and strong with our immunity booster.  Use daily to improve cellular health and build resistance to those germs. 


Turmeric & Ginger Blend

A lot of research is out regarding the benefits of turmeric and ginger taken together to effectively improve wellness both with reduction of inflammation through the body but also with gut health, and cellular regeneration. Assist your body’s ability to fight colds, the flu, and viral infections by supporting a strong immune function and cell formation. The essential oils in this blend offer natural chemicals that help to destroy cancer-causing free radicals in the body.  


their stories

with the Power of Plants

Reverend James D. West Palm Beach, FL

 “I woke up in the middle of the night and had terrible pain and swelling.  By morning my arms broke out and I had itching, swelling, and inflammation accompanied by stinging pain. 

I was diagnosed with shingles but I was unable to take any conventional medicine due to interference with my cancer treatments.  I have used Pure Wellness Body & Health for other medicinal aids and called to order a body of Shingles Aid.  The PW Shingles Aid spray helped almost instantly. 

After one application the swelling, inflammation, and itching were gone and my red bumps were almost completely gone. 

I am very grateful to PWB&H for getting this to me so quickly and for its ability to heal my skin.  I’m on my second bottle and won’t chance not having it in the future.  Highly recommend these folks for the research and care they put into their products.”                                   

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“The greatest wealth is health” 


Gail S. of Jacksonville, FL

“The depression was getting out of hand.  I was starting to avoid go​ing out in public.  The Anxiety Blend and Copaiba Blend eased my panic attacks and gave me confidence.  I’m feeling better.  Thank you so much for your help.”

Megan A. of Stoneville, NC

“I use the Relief Joint & Back Pain to help with my back and hip.  It takes the pain away in just a few minutes and I am able to sleep.  I even can walk a bit more now that I started using it.  I don’t have to use it as often after I started using it, seems like the swelling is reduced.”  

Jeannie P. of Frederick, MD

“Thank you for your thoughts, prayers, and the products that helped me through my breast cancer treatments.  I was able to get off oxycodone with the Copaiba Blend and the Ligament Pain blend and the UpLift Blend Roller just made me feel safer through it all.

Jessica S. of Asheboro, NC

“I used the Copaiba oil last night in my water and I didn’t have to take a pain pill. Thank you. I just wanted you to know it is helping.”

Anna Onipko, Ukraine

“I started feeling an unpleasant pressure in my sinuses yesterday and I used your Allergy & Sinus Relief Aid.  After a few hours, I no longer had the pressure, and my eyes stopped hurting.  My symptoms are almost gone after a few hours of using the roller.  Thank you so much! I even had my husband use it and he’s feeling better now too.  I love your products.”

April M. of Danville, NC

“I can’t thank you enough for helping me through my chemo treatments and providing me with blends that helped me ease my symptoms and emotions.  I love you guys”…