Pure Wellness Body And Health

Pure Wellness Body And Health


healing through baths

Natural Bath Balms or our Herbal Spa Mineral Bath Salts

for Balneo-therapy, or bath therapy

The name balneotherapy is derived from the Latin word balneum, or bath. Balneo-Therapy is a treatment for an illness or condition using mineral baths or mineral-rich mud packs to coat the body. Some medical professionals also consider saunas or steam baths as balneo-therapy.

Herbal Spa Mineral Bath Salts

Herbal Spa Mineral Salts

Good for your skin, your mind, and your soul. Complete relaxation for a reboot for your parasympathetic nervous system. Shut out the world's noise and commit to bath therapy once a week. May help with deeper sleep, reduction of stress, increased energy during the day, and better cognitive decision making abilities.

Natural hand made bath balms

Gentle Soak Bath Balms

Most store bought bath balms can dry out the skin and worse, increase your chance for disease. Here's why, most are made with Benzene derivative, a human carcinogen linked to hormone disruption and reproductive malformation. Aldehydes which contribute to respiratory allergies, liver disease, and embryo toxicity. And let's not forget phthalates found to decrease hormone levels and sperm quality as well as being linked to obesity, ovarian aging, and some forms of cancer. Other cheap versions include talc, which has been associated with an elevated risk of ovarian cancer. Our bath balms are 100% safe and do not include any harsh chemicals to hurt your body. Enjoy only its aromatic and skin soothing benefits a least once a week.

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Lavender, prized for its ability to calm and relax the senses.  Try our Lavender Lemongrass mineral salts bath blend.

Make Baths a Wellness Priority

Maybe you don't like taking baths, or don't have time for a bath. Or even have a tub in your home. Here's some suggestions:

Make it part of your wellness routine, set a time each week for taking a bath, after a few weeks you should grow to love them

If you don't have a bath try a foot soak. You will experience many of the health benefits of a full bath using the mineral salts in your foot soak.

Use spearmint to promote relaxation and reduce stress. 

Try our spearmint & basil mineral salts bath blend.